Intent Tech Solutions is one of the Ecommerce Website Solution, Ecommerce Web Development and Ecommerce Website Designing in Chennai. We offer ecommerce style method to make sure you increase in conversion rates. we have a tendency to incorporate your web site with social media to assist users communicate with you on-line. Our ecommerce content management system provides you full management. we provide solutions for each budget. we have a tendency to Ecommerce web site style to focus solely on providing user with a transparent electronic messaging and powerful calls to action to push them to require action. Our pages load terribly quickly, user interfaces square measure intuitively designed to supply for a simple and swish navigation and also the checkout is incredibly quick and trouble free.
"A shopping cart that remains visible throughout the stay so that users are re-assured of what exactly they have in their cart and how much it costs. This also makes it easy for them to quickly checkout".
As the administrator of your website, you should have a place where you can review all pertinent information regarding your the performance of your website. The dashboard should be customizable and offer summary information regarding various aspects of the website: out of stock items, information requests, sales figures, and ecommerce performance metrics.
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